Tether is a crypto currency fixed to the US dollar. Therefore, 1 Tether (USDT) will always be equivalent to 1 USD (USD).

Tether is a crypto currency issued by Tether Limited. Tether Limited was established in Hong Kong. It has an office in Switzerland. Tether Limited is also supported by the Euro (EURT).

In September 2017, the company collaborated with Ethfinex to develop the first Ethereum-based Tether. It is claimed to have lower network processing fees and faster approval times than Tether previously used on the Omni network. Tether Limited believes that this update will create a more efficient change.

Tether has a low processing fee. It is also understood by users without technical knowledge. Tether token can be easily integrated with stock exchanges, Bitcoin or other crypto currencies. The tethering; Poloniex, ShapeShift raken, Bittrex and HitBTC have strong supporters and partners in the market.

Tether depends on some legal authorities. The disadvantage is that it has a highly dependent relationship with the banks and some institutions it works with.
